Home » Support

Thank you for your interest in supporting Portland Taiko. We thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Our mission: Through innovation and artistic excellence in taiko, we affirm Asian-American pride, inspire audiences, build community, and educate about our culture and heritage. Join us as we continue our tradition of collaboration, education, innovation and community. 

Here are a few ways to show your support:

  • Make an online donation here
  • Mail a check payable to Portland Taiko to:
    3728 SE 34th Avenue
    Portland, OR 97202
  • Volunteer: Contact us at info@PortlandTaiko.org for upcoming opportunities or to offer a specific service.
  • Book a performance

Portland Taiko is Honored and Grateful to be Supported By:

Marie Lamfrom Foundation logo

MJ Murdock Charitable Trust logo




City of Portland Office of Arts and Culture logo

Portland Parks and Recreation logo

Portland Parks Foundation logo


TaikoVentures logo